
On Dec 4, 8:18 pm, DennisW <dennistwilliam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It works for me. Does it not for you? If you're asking why not do it,
> then the answer is "why call an external program unnecessarily?".
> Sorry, by the way, I missed what you were doing with the file
> descriptor on my first read. What is it that you're trying to
> accomplish? Are you doing this only to number the lines or is either
> seq or the while loop a stand-in for something else?

the seq was only an example for demonstration.
here is another example that shows what I mean:

$ exec 3> >(while read line; do echo "tag: $line"; done)
$ seq 4 >&3
tag: 1
tag: 2
tag: 3
tag: 4

$ exec 3> >(while read line; do echo "$(date): $line"; done)
$ seq 4 >&3
$ Sat Dec  5 10:11:25 CET 2009: 1
Sat Dec  5 10:11:25 CET 2009: 2
Sat Dec  5 10:11:25 CET 2009: 3
Sat Dec  5 10:11:25 CET 2009: 4

while in the first example the prompt returns after the
command completes, the prompt returns immediately
in the second example.

thanks for your attention,


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