On Fri, 9 Apr 2010, Marc Herbert wrote:

> Le 08/04/2010 22:58, Peng Yu a ?crit :
> > I make the following directory and try to cd to it. But I can't. Could
> > you let me know what is the correct way of doing so?
> > 
> > $ mkdir environment\<\-
> > $ cd environmen\<\-
> > -bash: cd: environmen<-: No such file or directory
> In such situations I find completion (TAB) really great since it does
> the hard quoting work for you (and does no typo).

   That, or up-arrow (or Ctrl-P) to recall previous command.

   Chris F.A. Johnson, <http://cfajohnson.com>
   Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell (2009, Apress)
   Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)

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