Freddy Vulto wrote:
     # Param: $1 �variable name to return value to
     # Public library function
     blackbox() {
         local __1
         _blackbox __1
         [[ $1 == __1 ]]&&  echo "ERROR: variable name conflicts"\
                 "with local variable: $1"
         printf -v $1 %s "$__1"

  # Param: $1 �variable name to return value to
  # Public library function
  blackbox() {
    [[ "$1" =~ [_[:alpha:]][_[:alnum:]]* ]] || die # TODO: error instead
    if [ $1 == "__1" ]; then
      local __2
      _blackbox __2
      printf -v $1 %s "$__2"
      local __1
      _blackbox __1
      printf -v $1 %s "$__1"

Wouldn't that avoid having variable names that can't be used?

It should be possible to place this code in a generic wrapper such that you can do:

blackbox1() { call_varref _blackbox1 "$@"; }
blackbox2() { call_varref _blackbox2 "$@"; }

This requires, of course, that only one variable is 'passed by-ref' and is at a consistent position (though you could easily add a parameter specifying what position). How to do this is left as an exercise for the reader :-).

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