On 3/30/13 5:06 AM, Marcel (Felix) Giannelia wrote:

> Yeah, discovered set -o physical just after posting, and am considering
> adopting it... but on the other hand, I'm not so sure the facade
> behaviour has to be all that elaborate. For instance, if I give you the
> paths '/path/to/directory' and '..' and tell you to append them, you
> don't need to know anything special to come up with '/path/to'.
> I think I'd be OK with a "always do path arithmetic" mode which behaves
> consistently like that, or a "physical" mode.
> Things being a mish-mash of aspects of both, though, does seem like a
> bug -- I can't think of a conceptual reason why ">" would, by design,
> behave differently from tab completion, especially since you can
> tab-complete its destination. i.e. if you start typing something like
> cat > ../fo<Tab>
> and it helpfully completes to
> cat > ../foo
> ...then that really should work when you press the return key.

Maybe tab completion should only obey the current physical or logical mode
setting if it can detect it's being invoked to complete an argument to
`cd'.  After all, that's the only thing that uses it.  It's certainly
caused confusion when completing arguments to ls, for instance.


``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
                 ``Ars longa, vita brevis'' - Hippocrates
Chet Ramey, ITS, CWRU    c...@case.edu    http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/~chet/

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