On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 08:58:47PM +0200, Piotr Grzybowski wrote:
> On 27 Apr 2016, at 20:43, Eduardo A. Bustamante López wrote:
> > The attached patch seems to take care of at least these two cases: [..]
>  your patch also adresses the original Grisha's report:
> declare -r T=5; ref=$T; declare -n ref; ref=10; declare -n T;
>  cheers,
> pg

Actually, this seems to be a special case, just because '5' is an invalid
variable name. But the problem still exists:

|  dualbus@hp ...src/gnu/bash % ./bash -c 'declare -r RO=x; r=$RO; declare -n 
r; x=y; declare -n RO; RO=z; declare -p RO; echo "$RO"'
|  declare -nr RO="x"
|  z

The problem here is that it shouldn't be possible to set the nameref attribute
on a variable that already has the readonly attribute set.

The RO variable is still readonly, but you can modify the value it expands to,
by doing that trick.

I compiled the following list of test cases:

|  r=/; declare -n r
|  declare -n r=/
|  declare -n r; r=/
|  declare -n r; for r in /; do :; done
|  declare -n r; select r in 1; do :; done <<< /
|  declare -n r; ((r=0))
|  ((r=0)); declare -n r
|  r=/ declare -n r
|  f() { declare -n r; }; r=/ f
|  f() { echo $r; }; declare -n r; r=/ f
|  declare -n r; : ${r:=/}
|  declare -n r; exec {r}>/dev/null
|  declare -n r; coproc r { :; }; echo $r
|  declare -r RO=x; r=$RO; declare -n r; x=y; declare -n RO; RO=z; declare -p 
RO; echo "$RO"

And my patch seems to address just a few:

|  dualbus@hp ...src/gnu/bash % while read -r case; do echo "case: $case"; 
./bash -c "$case"; done <../cases
|  case: r=/; declare -n r
|  ./bash: line 0: declare: /: invalid variable name for name reference
|  case: declare -n r=/
|  ./bash: line 0: declare: /: invalid variable name for name reference
|  case: declare -n r; r=/
|  ./bash: `/': not a valid identifier
|  case: declare -n r; for r in /; do :; done
|  ./bash: `/': not a valid identifier
|  case: declare -n r; select r in 1; do :; done <<< /
|  1) 1
|  #? ./bash: `': not a valid identifier
|  case: declare -n r; ((r=0))
|  ./bash: `0': not a valid identifier
|  case: ((r=0)); declare -n r
|  ./bash: line 0: declare: 0: invalid variable name for name reference
|  case: r=/ declare -n r
|  ./bash: line 0: declare: /: invalid variable name for name reference
|  case: f() { declare -n r; }; r=/ f
|  environment: line 0: declare: /: invalid variable name for name reference
|  case: f() { echo $r; }; declare -n r; r=/ f
|  /
|  case: declare -n r; : ${r:=/}
|  ./bash: `/': not a valid identifier
|  case: declare -n r; exec {r}>/dev/null
|  ./bash: `10': not a valid identifier
|  case: declare -n r; coproc r { :; }; echo $r
|  63
|  case: declare -r RO=x; r=$RO; declare -n r; x=y; declare -n RO; RO=z; 
declare -p RO; echo "$RO"
|  declare -nr RO="x"
|  z

The select case seems to be wrong, but I'm too lazy to figure out how to write
it properly. I think the coproc case was recently reported too. I'm not sure
about the tempenv variable.

Eduardo Bustamante

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