On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 03:22:24PM -0400, tetsu...@scope-eye.net wrote:
> So I look at this not just as a RTFM issue, it's a pitfall built-in to
> the design of the language, and programmers need to understand a bit
> about the implementation of the language to understand what's going
> on. As such I think it may be worth spelling it out a bit more
> directly in terms of the implications here. For instance, stick it in
> the help for 'read' and 'mapfile':

If you include helpful text about every pitfall in every builtin, the
bash documentation will become three times its current size.

Hell, it's probably less work to write out what things you *can* safely
do, rather than what you can't.  There aren't very many!

But I don't think either of those things belongs in the reference manual.
You can't learn proper shell programming from a reference.  It's just
too big, too convoluted, too full of historical constructs.  You need
a more focused document.

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