On 10/20/2017 01:27 PM, Minghui Liu wrote:

>       2. Save env output in a file
>               env > env_save

'env' is not a bash builtin, so your bug report has no effect here.  But
even if you were to send your bug report to bug-coreutils (assuming you
are using the coreutils version of env), they'd just tell you to use
'env -0', since that is the only delimiter that produces unambiguous
results, and that:

>       3. Source the file just saved
>               . env_save

this is NEVER safe practice, unless 'env' were patched to have a new
output format specifically designed for reinterpretation in shell
(certainly 'env' and 'env -0' output is not designed for that).  Maybe
adding 'env -p' (analagous to -p in various bash builtins) is a
worthwhile feature addition for upstream coreutils, but again, you'll
have to report this topic there.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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