Well, PROMPT_COMMAND does take shell syntax, so if this is just a
question of getting multiple commands in there, you can separate them
with semicolons.

That said, I do think using an array would be nicer (mainly, it's
easier to manipulate the list of commands programmatically) but then
you can't export the variable any more, for instance.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Colascione" <dan...@google.com>
Sent:Tue, 23 Jan 2018 10:23:38 -0800
Subject:Feature request: PROMPT_COMMANDS array variable

 Right now, PROMPT_COMMAND gives a shell command to run before
 the prompt. It's common these days to include in one's bash
 numerous packages from different sources that *all* want to run code
 PROMPT_COMMAND time. Can we add a new PROMPT_COMMANDS array variable
 stores a list of shell commands to execute? With a PROMPT_COMMANDS
 variable, different packages can independently add their hooks
 stepping on each other.

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