On Sat, Oct 30, 2021 at 01:53:55PM -0400, Chet Ramey wrote:
> On 10/29/21 6:06 PM, Roger Morris wrote:
> > Bash Version: 5.0
> > Patch Level: 17
> > Release Status: release
> > 
> > Description:
> > I believe there's a bug in bash 4.4 (and still in 5.1) that wasn't
> > there in 4.3.30
> > 
> > When 'command -p' runs, it no longer seems to restore the hash to its
> > previous value.
> This came in in mid-2015 as part of a set of fixes to `command -p'. I think
> the bash-4.4 and later behavior is correct: just because you're telling
> command to use a standard path it doesn't mean it should not act like it
> would in any other circumstance. There's nothing in POSIX that contradicts
> that.

(Not using 'PATH=' as that would include the current directory).

        command -p hostname
        hostname # executes /bin/hostname via the hash table

I agree with OP that the behaviour is a bug, or at least unwanted behaviour.

I could not find this in POSIX nor in the bash manual, but it seems true:
        Assignment to PATH clears the hash table.
        (Even when the value stays the same).

Which could be an argument for clearing the hash table after 'commmand -p ...'.
Though, preferably, the hash table is not modified in this case.

A side note.
The description, in the manual, on 'command' states:
        Run  command  with  args  suppressing  the normal shell function lookup.
        Only builtin commands or commands found in the PATH are executed.

I think the hash lookup should be mentioned,
as the hash lookup is done before the builtin/PATH search, e.g.:

        hash -p /bin/hostname foo
        command foo # executes /bin/hostname
Regards, Mike Jonkmans
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