i have a dir with some xbl*/ dirs and few xbl* commands ( via $PATH )
i tried there xbl,tabtab but it only completed cmds
is this desired ?


2021-11-12 , Fri Nov , 18:17:56.530771 == 1636741076.530771
       # root:0:0 # @ /dev/pts/1 ( 0 )
localhost -> /root/e

xblsslfile/ xblfiletransfer/ xblgawk2bash/ xblasone/ xblhelp/ xblcountexts/
xblgl/ xblauth/ xblstarter/ xblask/ xbldemo/ xblskelempty/ xblmapencdec/
xblencdec/ xblhttpd/ xblcmdlineshorts/ off/ xbldebian/ xblps1/ phttp/
sysrcs/ prhttp/
xblbashrc.xmb xblbashrc.2 xblbashrc xblbashrc.install

xbl             xbl.files.gawk  xbl.gawk        xblunpackxbl
0 exit // 70927s old , static

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