
I am writing to report that the 5.2 release does not correctly address the 
regressions introduced by 5.2-rc3 (see 
https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2022-08/msg00104.html for the 
context). Given a sufficient degree of command substitution nesting, it remains 
possible for the extglob shell option to be switched on, without having 
instructed bash to do so.

$ declare -p BASH_VERSION
declare -- BASH_VERSION="5.2.0(1)-release"
$ BASH_COMPAT=50; shopt extglob; : $(: $(: $(:))); shopt extglob
extglob         off
extglob         on

When the bug occurs, all levels are affected, as is demonstrated by the 
attached script. See, also, the original bug report at 

Kerin Millar

Attachment: gentoo-bug-873931-reproducer-r1.bash
Description: Binary data

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