2022年11月28日(月) 19:06 Alexey via Bug reports for the GNU Bourne Again
SHell <bug-bash@gnu.org>:
> But we use the fact tat bash doesn't close FD for example to preliminary
> open log file for utility that we will `exec' later.
> Unfortunately bash doesn't provide any fcntl() mechanism to control FD
> flags.
> It'll be great to have  ability to manage CLOEXEC or any other FD flags
> from the script.

There is a loadable builtin `fdflags' to do that. If the loadable
builtin is installed (e.g. at /usr/lib/bash/fdflags), we can do
something like

enable -f /usr/lib/bash/fdflags fdflags
fdflags -s +cloexec <fd>


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