Emanuele Torre <torreemanue...@gmail.com> writes:
> ! followed by a ; or another terminator  is interpreted as an history
> expansion with no pattern that can never match anything.
>   $ !; echo hi
>   bash: !: event not found
>   $ !&& echo hi
>   bash: !: event not found

IMHO it is more to the point that in the manual page it says

              Refer  to the most recent command preceding the current position
              in the history list starting with string.

without defining "string".

It looks like the actual definition is "everything from the ! to the end
of the word", taking into account

       The line is broken  into  words
       in  the same fashion as when reading input, so that several metacharac‐
       ter-separated words surrounded by quotes are considered one word.  His‐
       tory  expansions are introduced by the appearance of the history expan‐
       sion character, which is ! by default.

With the significant detail that the ! need not be the first character
of the word.

So I think the manual page could be improved by adding *...*:

              Refer  to the most recent command preceding the current position
              in the history list starting with string.  *All characters
              until the start of the word designator or end of the word
              are part of string.*

       The line is broken  into  words
       in  the same fashion as when reading input, so that several metacharac‐
       ter-separated words surrounded by quotes are considered one word.  His‐
       tory  expansions are introduced by the appearance of the history expan‐
       sion character, which is ! by default*, within a word*.


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