On Mon, Jan 01, 2024 at 04:38:20PM -0500, Federer Fanatic wrote:
> Consider the following:
> shopt -s extdebug
> mapfile -d" " < <(declare -F <bash_function_in_some_rc_file)

Unfortunately, you're not giving us enough details to reproduce this
problem.  What's in the file?  Are you sure this is the correct syntax
for reproducing the problem?

> Results in the array MAPFILE having 3 entries with '2' entry containing the
> filename
> of bash function initial defining line

I don't think this is correct.  You're showing the command "declare -F < file"
but declare -F doesn't read stdin at all.

unicorn:~$ declare -F
declare -f crawl
declare -f fput
declare -f git
unicorn:~$ echo 'f() { echo f; }' > x
unicorn:~$ mapfile -d" " < <(declare -F <x)
unicorn:~$ declare -p MAPFILE
declare -a MAPFILE=([0]="declare " [1]="-f " [2]=$'crawl\ndeclare ' [3]="-f " 
[4]=$'fput\ndeclare ' [...]

>     $ vim "${MAPFILE[2}}" causes failure, not just for vim but cat for
> example, however

*What* failure?

>     $ vim ${MAPFILE[2]} does not add '^@' at the end of the fle name,

Without seeing what's actually in your MAPFILE array, it's hard to
understand what you're saying here.  ^@ is how vim displays a NUL byte.
Are you simply trying to edit a binary file?  That would very likely
give you some instances of ^@ on your screen, one for each NUL byte
in the currently-visible part of the file.

Also, your bug report doesn't include which version of bash you're

Please tell us:

 * Which version of bash.
 * What's in the file you're using.
 * The *exact* command you're running, including the filename.
 * The actual output you get.

Please be sure to include "declare -p MAPFILE" to show the contents of
the array.

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