On Fri, 22 Apr 2005, Bastiaan Naber wrote:

>The sun program uses sort (sort - GNU textutils 1.14). However I have a
>different version of sort on the linux machine (sort (coreutils) 5.2.1).
>My problem is that these different versions sort my text differently. This is
>not really a problem however the 5.2.1 version of sort has a problem it sort
>my text like this:

I can't reproduce this, but it's quite likely your locale settings are
different to mine. I tried both setting LC_ALL to "nl_NL" (guessing from
your email address), and with an empty environment (env -i sort ...). In
both cases the different accents correctly sorted together. Does the
problem still appear if you try these commands?

$ env -i sort <filename>
$ env -i LC_ALL=nl_NL sort <filename>

Please also see FAQ #22, "Sort does not sort in normal order":


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