On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Dave Jones <warrior_62...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> seems to work and, while it is very useful, it isn't in the man page or cp 
> --help.

It is in the info page, and apparently deprecated:

     *Deprecated: to be removed in 2008.*
     Using `--reply=yes' makes `cp' act as if `yes' were given as a
     response to every prompt about a destination file.  That
     effectively cancels any preceding `--interactive' or `-i' option.
     Specify `--reply=no' to make `cp' act as if `no' were given as a
     response to every prompt about a destination file.  Specify
     `--reply=query' to make `cp' prompt the user about each existing
     destination file.

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