Dear Sir/Madam,


We have created a live-cd which includes a bunch of investigation tools that
we wrote ourselves and a lot of open-source tools. For now the live-cd can
be downloaded for free at for the Dutch users or for the English users. 


A week ago a company contacted us with the question if we could sell our
live-cd to them so that they can use it for workshops. 


Before we wanted to make that step we would like to contact the authors off
the open-source tools with the question if they would agree that we will
sell the live-cd to this company.


The price for the live-cd includes only our own tools and the time that we
have spend for making the live-cd. 

The company is only paying for the our own tools and the complete live-cd
which are included. This means, the people are not paying for the
open-source tools.


We want any author to confirm the agreement, before we will start selling

If you allow us to use the tools as "a free gift" to the live cd. 


We would appreciate to receive a confirmation.


Kind regards,




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