On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 8:29 PM, Philip Rowlands <p...@doc.ic.ac.uk> wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Jan 2010, salih k wrote:
>  Now shall I explain again (sorry:))
>> actually the issue is rare and never happened in unix .So am curious on
>> this.
> "never happened in unix"? Which OS and shell are you using?
>  Now my query is why these exit status (254 or 16) are coming during the
>> first run then it become correct value after rerun?and
>> *what does it mean by exit status 16 and 254?Whether this can do any thing
>> with expr or issue with *
>> */dev/null etc?*
> No it can't. The exit status you observe is a bug or a mistake in your code
> or analysis.
> Thats why am asking *whether I can use if [ $? -eq 1 -o $? -eq 2 -o $? -eq
>> 3 ]
>> instead of*
>> *if [ $? -ne 0 ].
> No; the apparent exit status greater than 255 is a bug, or a mistake in
> your code or analysis.
> If i should not use if [ $? -eq 1 -o $? -eq 2 -o $? -eq 3 ] then i will go
>> ahead with case.But the current expr is a running codew so my manager need
>> explanation.thats why.If expr is not stable i have to change all the
>> places
>> in script which uses expr.
> If it's important to explain your observed usage of expr then I'm not sure
> what to suggest; maybe run the whole script under strace and check what
> arguments for exit() expr is giving, which may hint at the cause of the
> problem.
> Cheers,
> Phil

         Well ,I have three queries now,

          1.I am waiting for  answer whether I can use if [ $? -eq 1 -o $?
-eq 2 -o $? -eq 3 ]!!! as only these values are meaningful if we
          are checking for alphanumic cases(?)

 2.The exit status you observe is a bug or a mistake in your code or
analysis I did not get.
Ans-see below log trace

* Debug msg1 File 1 has isnum 28 and pstat 0
Debug msg2 File 1 has isnum 28
Debug msg3 File 1 has int_num 28 has ps 0
Debug msg3.1 File 1 has int_num1 28 has ps 0
Debug msg4.new1 File has expr pstat 51198 int_num is 28
Debug msg4 File 1 with paddnum has expr pstat 0
Debug msg5 File 1 with paddnum1 29 pstat1 0
File 1 has alpha-numeric value in header record for total shipments !!!
Upload of file 1 aborting
DATE: 07/01/2010 TIME: 21:27:59
Debug msg2 File 2  has isnum 1
Debug msg3 File 2  has int_num 1 has ps 0
Debug msg3.1 File  2 has int_num1 1  has ps 0
Debug msg4.new1 File has expr pstat 1552 int_num is 1--->3!!!
Debug msg4 File 2  with paddnum has expr pstat 0---inside the if condition i
gave the same expr smt result now zero!!!*
*This is am asking about stability!!!*
This means that status is >3 outside(even if the argument to expr is 28 or
1) the if condition then it became zero inside!!!
see the below script for the trace

  *    **isnum=`awk -F$delim '$1=="BH"{print $5}' $fil`*

*        #awk -F$delim '$1=="BH"{print $5}' $fil |read isnum*

*      log_msg "Debug msg1 File $fil has isnum $isnum and pstat $?" *

*        isnum=${isnum:-0}*

*      log_msg "Debug msg2 File $fil has isnum $isnum" *

*        int_num=`echo -e $isnum | cut -f1 -d'.'`*

*      log_msg "Debug msg3 File $fil has int_num $int_num has ps $?" *

*      int_num1=`echo $isnum | cut -f1 -d'.'`*

*      log_msg "Debug msg3.1 File $fil has int_num1 $int_num1 has ps $?"*

*        add_num=`expr $int_num + 1 1>/dev/null 2>&1`*

*      kms=$?*

*      if [ "$kms" -ne "0" ]*


*               log_msg "Debug msg4.new1 File has expr pstat $kms int_num is

*                padd_num=`expr $int_num + 1 1>/dev/null 2>&1`*

*      log_msg "Debug msg4 File $fil with  paddnum has expr pstat $?" *

*      padd_num1=`expr $int_num + 1 2>/dev/null`*

*      log_msg "Debug msg5 File $fil with paddnum1 $padd_num1 pstat1 $?"*

*                errmsg "File `basename $fil` has alpha-numeric value in
header record for total shipments !!! aborting"*

*            sleep 1*

*                log_msg "Upload of $fil aborting"*

*                log_msg "------------------------------------------------"*

*                out_rep $repfil "\nFile `basename $fil` has alpha-numeric
value in header record for total shipments !!! aborting"*

*                continue*

*        fi*


3.As you suggested(thanks)"check what arguments for exit() expr is giving"

=Frankly i dont know how to check the same I will be thankful if you please
let me know the way to check the same



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