According to SANTHOSH on 2/22/2010 12:06 AM:
> Dear Sir ,
> I am Useing Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4. SUDANLY  I USED \rm
> -r  command in my pc i was losed my imartent files
> sir any chance to retrev that file  Please Help me

Sorry, but you've just learned a life lesson.  Hope you have good backups.

> "The information contained in this electronic message and any

It is considered poor netiquette when your disclaimer is longer than the
body of your message; furthermore, by posting to a publicly archived list,
you have rendered the disclaimer ineffective.  Consider using a non-work
address next time, as the use of such a disclaimer can reduce the
likelihood of you getting a good response.

Don't work too hard, make some time for fun as well!

Eric Blake   

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