According to Ondřej Vašík on 3/2/2010 8:03 AM:
> Hello,
> as reported in rhbz#569550 , md5sum (and all others sum utilities) fails
> to work with DOS md5 files. 
> This issue was previously reported on this list as
> ,
> ,
> but I haven't found patch solving this issue in those reports. 

Correct - it's been on my TODO list for years, but very low priority.

> Attached patch should solve it and I don't see any negative side effects from 
> it.

Your patch breaks if a file name actually ended in a carriage return.  A
better patch would be to teach the *sum utilities to output carriage
return in filenames as \r by default but keep a flag for generating output
compatible with older *sum versions; parse both \r and literal carriage
return on input; and, if no \r occurs in input but a carriage return is
present, to try two filenames (one with trailing carriage return, one
without) before giving up.

But, given the rarity of file names that actually end in a literal
carriage return, your patch is certainly a step in the right direction.
I'll let others decide whether to apply it, but you have my +1.

Eric Blake    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library

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