Pádraig Brady wrote:
On 06/03/2012 11:13 PM, Linda Walsh wrote:
Within in the past few years, use of ranges in RE's has become
unreliable due to some locale changes sorting their native character
sets such that a<A<b<B<y<Y<z<Z (vs. 'C' ordering A<B<Y<Z<a<b<y<z).

There seems to be a problem in when a user has set their system to use
Unicode, it is no longer using the locale specific character set (iso-8859-x,
or others).
        To clarify my above statement:

   There seems to be a problem in when a user has set their system to use
Unicode: It is no longer using the locale specific character set (iso-8859-x,
or others) -- ***or*** *their* *orderings*.  I.e. Unicode defines a collation
order -- I don't know that they others do ('C' does, but I don't know about
other locale-specific character sets).

It's not specific to "unicode". Sorting in a iso-8859-1 charset
results in locale ordering:
        Can you cite a source specifying the sort/collation order of the
iso-8859-1 charset that would prove that it is not-conforming to the collation
specification for that charset?

        I.e. If there is no official source, then the order with that charset
is "undefined", and while it may not be desirable, returning a<A<b<B, would not
be "an error".


        ^^Correct^^ (typho)

Temporarily ignoring accents, only talking about lower and upper
case letters, ...

Well case comparison is a complicated area.
        A bit, but it's mostly just wrong in the gnu library concerning 
unicode, and,
as you are pointing out -- the 'C' encoding as well.
the 'C' locale was the original charset used by the 'C' language -- only 8 bits

        So how can it sort characters beyond the lower 256?
This would seem to be meaningless and bugs output.

Is it?...   When the case comparison ordering is specified in a
standard, it makes it fairly clear that one is either compliant with the 
or not.

        In this case, the Gnu sort/collation lib is not Unicode/UTF-8 compliant.

        What happens in other charsets may or may not be covered under some
other standard -- e.g. the 'C'/ascii ordering is specified.  But I don't know
if others have relevant standards or not.

For the special case of discounting accented chars etc.
you can use an attribute of the well designed UTF-8.
        This is not exactly the point -- the point is that the core sort
DOESN'T use that ordering.  That's the bug I am reporting.

        In reporting this, I'm trying to keep the argument 'simple' and focus on
the problem of widely used ranges in the first 256 code-points of

        Unicode gives a fairly extensive algorithm for handling accents,
but I didn't want to complicate the discussion by "going there".  Please
focus this bug on the lower 128 code points, as full unicode compliance
with the full collation algorithm that is specified is likely to be a
larger task.  HOWEVER, fixing the sorting/collation order of the lower
127 code points, is, comparatively a small task that conceivably could be
fixed in the next release.

Enabling traditional byte comparison on (normalized) UTF-8 data
will result in data sorted in Unicode code point order:
A b a á => A a b á

But you are missing the point (as well as raising an interesting 

How is it that 'C' collation collates characters that are outside the ascii 

I.e. -- you can't interpret input data as 'unicode' in the 'C' locale.
So how does this work in the 'C' local?  AND more importantly -- it SHOULD work
when charset is unicode (UTF-8)... and does not.  Test prog:
set -m
# vals to test:
declare -a vals=( A a B b X x Y y Z z Ⅷ  Ⅴ Ⅲ Ⅰ Ⅿ Ⅽ ⅶ  ⅼ ⅲ )

function isatty {
        local fd=${1:-1} ;
        0<&$fd tty -s

function ord {
  local nl="";
        isatty && nl="\n"
        printf "%d$nl" "'$1"

function background_print {
        readarray -t inp
        for ch in "${inp[@]}"; {
                printf "%s   (U+%x)\n" "$ch" "$(ord "$ch")"

printf "%s\n" "${vals[@]}" |
                LC_COLLATE=$COLLATE_ORDER sort |


Note, that the above produces:

Ⅷ   (U+2167)
Ⅴ   (U+2164)
Ⅲ   (U+2162)
Ⅰ   (U+2160)
Ⅿ   (U+216f)
Ⅽ   (U+216d)
ⅶ   (U+2176)
ⅼ   (U+217c)
ⅲ   (U+2172)
a   (U+61)
A   (U+41)
b   (U+62)
B   (U+42)
x   (U+78)
X   (U+58)
y   (U+79)
Y   (U+59)
z   (U+7a)
Z   (U+5a)

NOT the output you showed...Seems there's a bug in the C collation order?

Changing collation order to UTF-8:

Same thing:
Ⅷ   (U+2167)
Ⅴ   (U+2164)
Ⅲ   (U+2162)
Ⅰ   (U+2160)
Ⅿ   (U+216f)
Ⅽ   (U+216d)
ⅶ   (U+2176)
ⅼ   (U+217c)
ⅲ   (U+2172)
a   (U+61)
A   (U+41)
b   (U+62)
B   (U+42)
x   (U+78)
X   (U+58)
y   (U+79)
Y   (U+59)
z   (U+7a)
Z   (U+5a)

I would assert this is a serious bug that should be addressed ASAP...

As for the question in the subject for handling ranges in REs,
there has been recent work in changing as you suggest:


The most recent posts on that thread look to be from June of last year.
I.e. a year ago.

I'm trying to stay focused on specific problems -- UTF-8 ordering is defined.
the gnu library doesn't follow it.

Major problem with so many progs relying on the lib!...

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