I would like to request an enhancement to the du utility.

Being as how (I would assume) most people use du to determine what is taking up all the disk space, I would like to request that du provide output limited to a range of sizes. For example I want to only see files greater than or equal to 20MB. This is the greatly preferred option. Failing this, then I would like to see either a) output formatted so as to be able to feed it to the "sort" utility and get a list of files sorted by size or
    b) an option in du to sort files by size.

Currently attempting to sort by size results in a mish-mash of pseudo sorted files. Just so you know, I always use the -h option so as to get human readable format (which for the record is a fantastic option and I would love to see it as the default).

Thank you for your consideration.

- Andrew

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