tag 17907 notabug

On 07/03/2014 01:53 AM, Yves Bourguet wrote:
> Hello
> I am french and I hope you will excuse my very bad english.
> I try to modify the permissions of a file, but I don't succeed. I want
> the file 'essai.sh' became executable : so I want to transform the
> permissions from '-rw-------' to '-rwx------', usign 'chmod' (in 'root').
> But... Look, please :
> yves@yves:/media/yves/Partition-ntfs/Travaux/DOCUS/Informatique/Scripts

NTFS is a notoriously difficult file system (not as bad as FAT, but
still not POSIX compliant).  The fact that your Linux kernel file system
driver doesn't support setting executable bits (or at least not
reporting them) is not a bug in coreutils, but a limitation of your
kernel driver.  If you want anything to change, you'll have to report it
to the kernel folks.

As such, I'm closing this as not a coreutils bug; there's nothing we can
do about it here.  However, do feel free to ask further questions on
this thread, as needed.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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