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On 07/04/2014 11:18 AM, sepero...@gmx.com wrote:
> Most of the time I love Linux CLI, but rare occasions like this s*** makes me 
> want to throw my computer through the wall!
> From the touch manpage.
> -d, --date=STRING
> parse STRING and use it instead of current time
> ~$ touch -d="now" file
> touch: invalid date format ‘=now’
> ~$ touch -d="$(date)" file
> touch: invalid date format ‘=Fri Jul 4 06:05:22 EDT 2014’
> ~$ touch -d="$(date -R)" file
> touch: invalid date format ‘=Fri, 04 Jul 2014 06:05:30 -0400’
> ~$ touch -d="$(date -u)" file
> touch: invalid date format ‘=Fri Jul 4 10:05:33 UTC 2014’
> Is it possible that touch could get an update to support the common output 
> provided by the gnu version of `date`?

They'll mostly work if you remove the '='

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