Paul Eggert wrote:
Linda Walsh wrote:
find, by itself, has no way to remove all of the items under a
tree even if you own them all.

That's not a problem.  Have 'find' call 'rm'.  Something like this, say:

find . ! -name . -prune -exec rm -fr {} +

So there's no need to change 'rm'.
Bernard is worried about performance. Do you know how long it would take for find to call rm? a half-a-million times?

time rm -fr .
183.23sec 0.69usr 36.25sys (20.16% cpu)
time find . ! -name . -prune -exec rm -fr {} +
219.58sec 0.87usr 40.81sys (18.98% cpu) -- about 36 seconds (~20%) longer

So you've already slowed things down -- and those times were just for my home directory...! (non-critical data was used for these tests (copies
of my home directory that existed on different partitions))

But you also didn't address points (3), (4) or (5)..


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