I think that I did found at least two bugs in cp(1) command when the --no-preserve=mode option is involved and when copying special file. I describe each of them below.

1. Mode set on special files seem to be wrong:

Original file to copy: prw-rw-rw- 1 root staff 0 févr. 18 18:59 spfile
cp(1) command (run as root user): cp -r --no-preserve=mode spfile spfile_copy

Current result:

prwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 0 févr. 18 22:01 spfile_copy

Expected result (considering UMASK 0022):

prw-r--r-- 1 root staff 0 févr. 18 22:01 spfile_copy

The current behavior is due to the fact that mode used is 0777 while 0666 should be used for files.

Possible fix: Differentiate directories from files in the copy_internal function.

2. Non-permission bits are preserved, even when the --no-preserve=mode option is involved.

Original file to copy: prwSrw-rw- 1 root staff 0 févr. 18 18:59 spfile
cp(1) command (run as root user): cp -r --no-preserve=mode spfile spfile_copy

Current result:

prwsr-xr-x 1 root staff 0 févr. 18 22:05 spfile_copy

Expected result (considering UMASK 0022 and without the first bug above):

prw-r--r-- 1 root staff 0 févr. 18 22:05 spfile_copy

Possible solution: Clear-out non-permission bits before calling mknod() and similar

Linux jessie64 3.16.0-5-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.51-3+deb8u1 (2018-01-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Checked against latest coreutils version.

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