On 04/17/2018 08:18 PM, Jewsco Pius Jacquez wrote:
> Yes, it didn't work either.
> The closest is this one(below), but still the update is every second only.
> # tail --follow=name --max-unchanged-stats=1 --sleep-interval=1  
> /media/samba/test.file

The --sleep-interval option not only accepts integers: see info:

     When using tail without inotify support, you can make
     it more responsive by using a sub-second sleep interval, e.g., via
     an alias like this:

          alias tail='tail -s.1'

>> On 04/17/2018 05:46 PM, Jewsco Pius Jacquez wrote:
>>> [root@cmilsbtest03 ~]# stat -f -c '%t %T'  /media/samba/test.file
>>> ff534d42 cifs

But as tail(1) treats CIFS as "remote" [1], there may be some other
effect, e.g. buffering on the CIFS server or on the server writing
to that file.  Are you sure data is available more often?


Have a nice day,

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