On 11/26/18 2:24 AM, Bernhard Voelker wrote:

E.g. for 'yes', all of the following successfully detecting
the --version option (and likewise for --help):

   $ src/yes       --version
   $ src/yes hello --version
   $ src/yes hello --version world
   $ src/yes       --version hello
   $ src/yes hello --v       hello -- a b

As long as it is still possible to output the string verbatim, which it should be with:

$ src/yes -- --version | head -1
$ src/yes -- hello --version | head -1
hello --version



GCS is clear that 'yes --version more' should output a help message right away, rather than trying to go on to process the 'more' argument, barring any strong reason that it should not ('echo' and 'test' being two utilities that have strong reasons for being exceptions, due to their standardized requirements). Forwarding utilities, like 'nohup' or 'env', should not reorder command line arguments, so there, it is harder to argue whether 'env --unknown --help' should error that '--unknown' is bad or succeed in giving help; but 'env utility --help' should NOT print the env-specific help. Even so, with forwarding apps, GCS is clear that 'env --help --unknown' should prefer to give help rather than complaining about --unknown. When command-line option reordering is permitted (GCS recommends it for all non-forwarding apps), then 'yes more --version' should output help the same as 'yes --help more', rather than behave like non-reordering 'yes -- more --version'.

So it really boils down to an audit of which utilities are forwarding apps (and must not reorder arguments), which utilities have special behavior based on number of arguments (echo, test, ...), and a question of whether unknown options should be diagnosed up front. I think your proposal to change 'yes' makes sense, although I haven't closely thought about the ramifications of the other utilities you are touching.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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