Hello Michael,

Michael Coleman wrote:
> $ true > \\
> $ md5sum \\
> \d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  \\
> $ md5sum < \\
> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  -

Thank you for the extremely good example!  It's excellent.

> The checksum is not what I would expect, due to the leading
> backslash.  And in any case, the "\d" has no obvious interpretation.
> Really, I can't imagine ever escaping the checksum.

As it turns out this is documented behavior.  Here is what the manual says:

     For each FILE, ‘md5sum’ outputs by default, the MD5 checksum, a
  space, a flag indicating binary or text input mode, and the file name.
  Binary mode is indicated with ‘*’, text mode with ‘ ’ (space).  Binary
  mode is the default on systems where it’s significant, otherwise text
  mode is the default.  Without ‘--zero’, if FILE contains a backslash or
  newline, the line is started with a backslash, and each problematic
  character in the file name is escaped with a backslash, making the
  output unambiguous even in the presence of arbitrary file names.  If
  FILE is omitted or specified as ‘-’, standard input is read.

Specifically it is this sentence.

  Without ‘--zero’, if FILE contains a backslash or newline, the line
  is started with a backslash, and each problematic character in the
  file name is escaped with a backslash, making the output unambiguous
  even in the presence of arbitrary file names.

And so the program is behaving as expected.  Which I am sure you will
not be happy about since this bug report about it.

Someone will correct me but I think the thinking is that the output of
md5sum is most useful when it can be checked with md5sum -c and
therefore the filename problem needed to be handled.  The trigger for
this escapes my memory.  But if you were to check the output with -c
then you would find this result with your test case.

  $ md5sum \\ | md5sum -c
  \: OK

And note that this applies to the other *sum programs too.

  The commands sha224sum, sha256sum, sha384sum and sha512sum compute
  checksums of various lengths (respectively 224, 256, 384 and 512
  bits), collectively known as the SHA-2 hashes. The usage and options
  of these commands are precisely the same as for md5sum and
  sha1sum. See md5sum invocation.

> (Yes, my users are a clever people.)

  I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am 
saying -- Oscar Wilde



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