Hello Bob!

> > Expected behavior is:
> >     # id user1
> >     uid=1027(user1) gid=1027(user1) groups=1027(user1)
> >     # id user2
> >     uid=1027(user1) gid=1027(user1) groups=1027(user1),1028(somegroup)
> I just tried a test on both FreeBSD and NetBSD and both FreeBSD and
> NetBSD behave as you expect.  That would give weight for GNU Coreutils
> matching that behavior.

In addition (and maybe even more important) I expect that "id -u <user>" prints 
the same result the same result as "id" prints out after <user> as logged in:

root@martnix4:~# su - user1
user1@martnix4:~$ id
uid=1002(user1) gid=1002(user1) groups=1002(user1)
user1@martnix4:~$ exit
root@martnix4:~# su - user2
user1@martnix4:~$ id
uid=1002(user1) gid=1002(user1) groups=1002(user1),1003(somegroup)
user1@martnix4:~$ exit

So, it really looks like a bug for me...

Best regards,


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