On 01/03/2023 03:18, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:

When I want to count the nominal sizes of the (usually regular) files
in a directory I do something like:

du --apparent-size --block-size=1

This however also counts in the sizes of the directories themselves
(and I guess also of symlinks, etc.).

The "problem" with that is in particular, that for the exact same
dir/file structure, the results differ e.g. between ext4 and btrfs,
because of different sizes for the directories (themselves).

It would be nice if there was a option that allowed to select which
file types are counted.

Yes I know that one can do something like:
find . -type f -print0  |  du --apparent-size -l -c -s --block-size=1 
--files0-from=- | tail -n

But that's rather cumbersome... also I cannot do something like
du path1 path2 path3
and get totals for each and a grand summary.

And even if I make an shell alias out of this, I cannot do bash completion on 

There are many possible filtering options,
which are probably best left to `find` (as per your example).
This was also mentioned previously at:


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