I ran across my first y2k bug: sccs2rcs reads the 2-digit year of sccs and
adds 19 in front, with the obvious problem for anything committed this
year.  I knew I should have switched over last year!

Here's a patch; I'm patching from cvs-1.10, the most recent version listed
on labrea.stanford.edu

The contrib/ChangeLog should read:

2000-04-11  Benoit Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * sccs2rcs.csh: Fixed for y2k: sccs dates of 00-70 are interpreted
          as relative to 2000; 70-99 are relative to 1900.

$ diff -e cvs-1.10/contrib/sccs2rcs.csh sccs2rcs.csh 
        set date = `sccs prs -r$rev $file | grep "^D " | awk '{print $3}'`
        set time = `sccs prs -r$rev $file | grep "^D " | awk '{print $4}'`
        set year = `echo $date | cut -d'/' -f1`
        set mon  = `echo $date | cut -d'/' -f2`
        set day  = `echo $date | cut -d'/' -f3`
        # y2k hack:  We're on Unix, so the earliest possible date is 1970.
        # of course, this just turns it into a y2070 bug.
        if ($year < 70) then
                set year = `expr $year + 2000`
                set year = `expr $year + 1900`
        set mon = `expr $mon + 0`       # kill leading zero
        set day = `expr $day + 0`       # kill leading zero
        set date = `printf "%d/%02d/%02d %s" "$year" "$mon" "$day" "$time"`


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