Yair Lenga writes [in very long lines]:
> We are using the 'TAG' command to manage released code. The documentation indicates 
>that tag updates
> will be included in the history file by default (or by adding 'T' to the logHistory 
>option in the config file).

Where?  Only rtag is logged, not tag; if the documentation really says
otherwise, it needs to be corrected.

> We found two bugs:
> 1. The 'tag' command does not place any record in the history file. Looking into the 
>1.11 source code, I could
> not find any call to 'write_history' inside the 'tag.c' module.
> 2. The 'rtag' command place a single 'T' record into the history file per each 
>module. The 'T' record is placed
> per module, even if the command fail completed.

That is the way it's intended to work.

-Larry Jones

It's clear I'll never have a career in sports until I learn
to suppress my survival instinct. -- Calvin

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