Hi Larry,

The source is from the FAQ distributed with the CVS 1.11 source (and the text
is the same in the CVS FAQ-o-matic maintained by Pascal Molli):

   9. Why do timestamps sometimes get set to the date of the revision,
   sometimes not? The inconsistency causes unnecessary recompiles.

   The "checkout" command normally sets the timestamp of a working file
   to match the timestamp stored on the revision in the Repository's RCS

   The "commit" command retains the timestamp of the file, if the act of
   checking it in didn't change it (by expanding keywords).

   The "update" command sets the time to the revision time the first time
   it sees the file. After that, it sets the time of the file to the
   current time. See 4D.8 for a reason why.

The line that I am referring to is this one:

   The "commit" command retains the timestamp of the file, if the act of
   checking it in didn't change it (by expanding keywords).



On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Larry Jones wrote:

> Tom Kacvinsky writes:
> >
> > According to the documentation I have read, the file should have the
> > modification time of when the file was checked in.  Instead, it has the time
> > of check in.
> >
> Could you provide a complete citation, please?  As far as I can see, CVS has
> never used the modification time of the file as the time of checkin and I
> don't see anything in the manual that says (or implies) otherwise.

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