Dan York wrote:

> Derek,
> > Actually, I'm pretty certain that the server is the only one that needs to be 
> > for the diff fix if you're using client/server.  I probably should have noted that 
> > the NEWS file, but I wasn't positive.  I know that the reverse is true - upgrading
> > just the client doesn't fix the bug.
> Ahh... interesting... and probably next-to-impossible for me to do... the
> sysadmin folks are VERY conservative.  Hmmm... I'll see.
> Thanks for the update.

Sorry.  The server is simply where the diffing happens.  It keeps bandwidth usage low
though.  This was a particularly annoying bug which was around forever and it used to
generate bug reports all the time.  It probably still will for awhile until a lot of 
upgrade.  I tell you in case it helps convince your admins.

Karl Tomlinson and Jacob Burckhardt probably deserve some mention in the NEWS for their
work fixing this - I'm sorry I forgot.  I'm cc'ing info-cvs and bug-cvs instead.

Others might be interested in the rest of this discussion too.


Derek Price                      CVS Solutions Architect ( http://CVSHome.org )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         CollabNet ( http://collab.net )
A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform.

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