This is a bug while occurs under CVS 1.10.7 on Linux, but the problem
seems to still be present in the source code.

While trying to import a source tree into our repository, I found that
a directory of the name src/org/beepcore/beep/core/, as well as all
the files under it, was marked I for ignored.  Although I was able to
avoid the problem by using the "-I !" flag to import, I believe this
behavior is a bug.  Most of the names on the ignore.c:ign_default list
are only applicable for files of that name -- directories of the names
should be fine (excluding CVS, CVS.adm, RCS, SCCS, any others?).

I've glanced through the code, and understand how ignore.c:ign_default
is used, but don't have a clean way to fix the problem.  The
ignore_directory function and dir_ign_list don't seem to be the
correct place to add directories to be ignored, but wasn't certain
about creating another ignore listing.  If anyone has a suggestion of
the correct way to implement the change, I can go ahead and code it
up, but didn't want to do so without checking the right way to do so.


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