Hi, Uwe!

>  .././install-sh -c sccs2rcs /usr/local/share/cvs/contrib/sccs2rcs
> # FIXME - this path should be determined dynamically from bindir
> #: No such file or directory

Perhaps your "make" actually feeds the comments in the rules to the shell.
It should be possible to move them outside the rules, but this would make
the comments less useful.

Could you please try to replace '&' with 'and' and check again?

> It may be that "# & contribdir" was not expanded when the Makefiles
> where created - there are postings considering automake v1.4a ...

I'm also submitting a patch to automake that will allow whitespace before
double hashes, so we can have a cleaner solution it the long term.

> But are these two line needed?

Maybe not, but it's about freedom of expression, not about those two lines
- the contents of comments should not be restricted. But since Automake
won't strip those lines yet, consider 'and' as a compromise for the time
being. :-)

Pavel Roskin

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