Hi :

The  document "Version Management for cvs 1.11 - Per Cederqvist et al"
says in section 2.2.7 -

" For each administrative file, in addition to the rcs file, there is also a checked out copy
of the file. For example, there is an rcs file `loginfo,v' and a file `loginfo' which contains
the latest revision contained in `loginfo,v'. When you check in an administrative file, cvs
should print

cvs commit: Rebuilding administrative file database

and update the checked out copy in `$CVSROOT/CVSROOT'. If it does not, there is something
wrong (see Appendix H [BUGS], page 157).  "

For my installation, it does not - so here is the info.

My problem is to maintain and develop a web site in an orderly fashion.  Through magazines I discovered CVS and http://www.cvshome.org/  from whom I downloaded   cvs1-11.zip after following the links for download of w32 version.   I also downloaded  cvs1-11.pdf plus some other docs.

My system is NT4 workstation with service pack6, Intel Celeron 500.

CVS installed ok and CVSROOT and path were set ok and verified using   c:\ set
I did a c:\ cvs init and verified that the admin files were created in CVSROOT.  I created a repository into which I loaded the entire website.   I then checked out a working copy of the website and used my html editor to open and check a file and the images failed to display.

Checking the docs showed that binary files have a problem and editing the admin file cvswrappers per the example seemed to be a good thing to do.    I checked out a copy of CVSROOT and used Notepad to edit, adding lines for all image formats used   (of the type *.jpg -k 'b' )  inspired by the example given in cvswrappers.    I commit 'ed the change and checked using      <cvs status cvswrappers>     and   <cvs log cvswrappers>.    It showed that the depository copy and my working copy were both modified and at the same level.

I used Windows explorer to remove the web site depository and created a new one confident that the revised cvswrappers would protect the image files.    But it didn't.

Further checking showed that CVSROOT depository contained the file  <cvswrappers,v>  which was up to date with my revisions but that the admin file,  <cvswrappers> , had not been updated.

Further reading of the docs lead me to the quote in section 2.2.7  which I put at the start of this email.

I completely deleted CVS and reloaded everything from scratch.   Same result.   When commit'ing a modified admin file,  CVS does NOT  print   "cvs commit: Rebuilding administrative file database"   and the admin file database  stays as it was although the   <cvswrappers,v>    file contains the updates info.

Fearing that this might be a problem with the latest version, I went back to cvshome.org and downloaded  version 1-10  in file  cvs-1.10-win.zip.     Apart from my surprise in finding that the 1.10 archive contained 7 files whereas the 1-11 zip only contained the cvs.exe, version 1.10 installed ok but the results were the same :  failing to update the admin files database.

I realise that CVS and the docs are basically developed in, by and for the unix world and that Windows is a pain.   I have checked around but can't find any specific docs on WinNT4 use of CVS.    Have I missed something in setting up CVS for Win NT4 sp6  ?

As a work around, I can use Windows Explorer to copy the whole of the \photo  subdirectory into the depository but each other subdirectory contains at least one image file and it would be a major pain to rework all that stuff to put every image into the \photo directory.   But the rebuilding of the admin files database will still need fixing somehow.

Best regards,
Philip Jackson

Philip Jackson                                  tel: (+33) 468 27 81 50
Domaine Le Théron, Siran,                               fax: (+33) 468 27 81 51
F-34210 Olonzac,        France

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