
I have a correction for the page


The page says that the fix is to use "WRITE = yes" in smb.conf, I think it should be "delete readonly = yes". I've never seen the WRITE directive in the Samba documentation.

The settings that work for me on the repository Samba share:

    force directory mode = 2000
    delete readonly = yes

The long story:

The problem is at checkin from WinCVS to a repository on a Samba server. At checkin, CVS creates a new RCS file. It then replaces the old RCS file with the new, using a move/rename operation. The repository files are normally created read only and with the "committing user" as owner. From the smb.conf man page:

       delete readonly (S)

              This parameter allows readonly files to be deleted.
              This is not normal DOS semantics, but is allowed by

              This option may be useful for running  applications
              such  as  rcs,  where  UNIX file ownership prevents
              changing file permissions, and DOS  semantics  pre­
              vent deletion of a read only file.

              Default:      delete readonly = No

              Example:      delete readonly = Yes

Note the remark about rcs. As long as I try to overwrite a file that I own (group is not enough), it seems to work. But I only own files that I have myself checked in -- I will have a problem with files that other developers have checked in.

Also, I needed to use "force directory mode 2000" in order to set the guid bit on directories and get the group correct on all files when directories are added from WinCVS. We're using the repository also (primarily) from Linux, so a "force group" is not enough. ( I also use the directives "force group", "directory mask" and "create mask", but I think the above is sufficient.) All the Windoze users connect to Samba as diffrent users, this is why the above settings are needed.


Andreas Kalin

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