I reported this over on the OpenBSD tech list some time ago.
cvs version 1.11

setenv CVSROOT blah
cvs -q get -PA src

When src doesn't exist, the directory is created and the CVS 
subdirectory and files are added.  Good.

When src does exist (as it does by default in OpenBSD installation as 
and empty directory), the CVS subdirectory is not added.  Bad.

The problem is that a later "cvs -q up -PAd" doesn't work (without -d)
in the latter case.  Confusing at best, and makes the OpenBSD 
documentation fail.

The easy answer is to "rm -rf src" before the initial get, but that 
doesn't work when src is actually a mounted drive partition....

I see that adding the CVS directory is a relatively recent addition to 
the code, and some changes have been made to behaviour.

Is this something that would be easy to fix?

    Key fingerprint =  17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26  DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32

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