Alexey Mahotkin wrote:

> >>>>> "AM" == Alexey Mahotkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> AM> What version of autoconf are you using?
> Also, from NEWS:
> * The distribution has been converted to use Automake.  This shouldn't affect
> most users except to ease some portability concerns, but if you are building
> from the repository and encounter problems with the makefiles, you might try
> running ./ after a fresh update -AC.
> I could not find anywhere in the distribution.  Does it
> appear only in CVS-updated copies?

Yeah, looks like you spotted two problems.  The file is actually named
"" and I had forgotten to include it in the distro.  I've checked
in fixes for both of these problems.

Also, what version of Automake are you using?  There is an AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS in
the main which is supposed to suppress running of Automake versions
less than 1.4a - I just updated that to 1.4e, but if you were running something
eariler this may be a bug I should report to the Automake folks... of course the
option may not have worked prior to 1.4a, but it may be worth looking into...

Thanks again.


Derek Price                      CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         CollabNet ( )
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Teacher is not a leper.
Teacher is not a leper...

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