Whether it should or not is open to debate, but it does not.

And exactly this is the core problem. I don't see a difference between checking out two different projects on into the other or checking them out into two different directories and moving them on into another. I also can move any project root to some other location on my disk and any CVS command works. Why not in this situation?


Larry Jones wrote:

What, if I check out test/sub1 and test/sub2 in two different directories and then move the sub2 into the sub1 directory? Shouldn't this produce the same results as with the two different checkouts as shown below?

Whether it should or not is open to debate, but it does not.  If you
manually move one CVS controlled directory into another CVS directory,
CVS will not recurse into the subdirectory when operating in the parent
directory because it recorded all the known subdirectories of the parent
in the Entries file and doesn't go looking for new ones that appeared by
magic when it wasn't looking.

-Larry Jones

Buddy, if you think I'm even going to BE here, you're crazy! -- Calvin

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