  Sorry again for the delayed answer ...

  The idea of a counter in the mapfile it might be useful in case of tests
and trials ( as I am currently ) where each time I get an error the
ddrescue simply exits writing the file .
  As sometimes  try a new zone I  copy the full domain mapfile aside and
make some tests , returning to it later  , still keeping writing to the
same fullfile ....
  In this case the datestamp is not enough to aid ...

  Although this weekend I started fiddling a little bit with the "-b " flag
, order to mark some bad parts ... 
  As far as I tried it is working as expected as I get more bad blocks
marked faster ( bigger volume ) at the expense of not recovering the data 
  Can I use that way or I am doing it completly wrong ?

  Another comment is the "-i" only after several analysis I have found that
ddrescue starts to read in the next domain mapfile section, explaining why
if I call "-i 4G" ddrescue started to read at the "9G" section.
  Perhaps a small info warning at  the header would be useful to avoid such
confusion ...
  And idea would be something like "Unable to read from yyyy starting
reading at map area in zzzz" 
  I know that now It gives a line indicating the start and end of the
domain in full bytes but it is not imediatly understable .

  Another detail, refering the "line type runtime map" I understand the
difiiculty of condensing the million datablocks but the idea would be to
have a visual aid even it would be rough with at least the reading position
in the full domain mapfile would be nice... 

  Nonetheless thank you 



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