GNU ddrescue 1.27-pre2 is ready for testing here

The sha256sum is:
1bbc381e529aa42af647e2ea1ed374cdb4b858fef486992f48fc529da982e1ad ddrescue-1.27-pre2.tar.lz

Please, test it and report any bugs you find.

GNU ddrescue is a data recovery tool. It copies data from one file or block device (hard disc, cdrom, etc) to another, trying to rescue the good parts first in case of read errors.

Ddrescuelog is a tool that manipulates ddrescue mapfiles, shows mapfile contents, converts mapfiles to/from other formats, compares mapfiles, tests rescue status, and can delete a mapfile if the rescue is done.

The homepage is at

Changes in this version:

* A deadlock in command mode when stdout is fully buffered has been fixed by flushing stdout after executing each command. (Reported by Jeffrey Bosboom).

  * A missing '#include <cstdlib>' has been added.

  * The option synonym '--direct' has been removed and is no longer recognized.

Antonio Diaz, GNU ddrescue author and maintainer.

If you care about data safety and long-term archiving, please consider using lzip. See and Thanks.

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