[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Francesco Potorti`) writes:

Try "apropos breakpoints" it'll hunt down every command with
"breakpoints" in it's docstring

(gdb) apropos breakpoints
b -- Set breakpoint at specified line or function
br -- Set breakpoint at specified line or function
bre -- Set breakpoint at specified line or function
brea -- Set breakpoint at specified line or function
break -- Set breakpoint at specified line or function
breakpoints -- Making program stop at certain points
catch -- Set catchpoints to catch events
clear -- Clear breakpoint at specified line or function
d -- Delete some breakpoints or auto-display expressions
delete breakpoints -- Delete some breakpoints or auto-display expressions
delete -- Delete some breakpoints or auto-display expressions
delete breakpoints -- Delete some breakpoints or auto-display expressions
dis -- Disable some breakpoints
disable breakpoints -- Disable some breakpoints
disa -- Disable some breakpoints
disable breakpoints -- Disable some breakpoints
disable -- Disable some breakpoints
disable breakpoints -- Disable some breakpoints
en -- Enable some breakpoints
enable breakpoints -- Enable some breakpoints
enable breakpoints delete -- Enable breakpoints and delete when hit
enable breakpoints once -- Enable breakpoints for one hit
enable delete -- Enable breakpoints and delete when hit
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
enable once -- Enable breakpoints for one hit
enable -- Enable some breakpoints
enable breakpoints -- Enable some breakpoints
enable breakpoints delete -- Enable breakpoints and delete when hit
enable breakpoints once -- Enable breakpoints for one hit
enable delete -- Enable breakpoints and delete when hit
enable once -- Enable breakpoints for one hit
info breakpoints -- Status of user-settable breakpoints
info watchpoints -- Synonym for ``info breakpoints''
info breakpoints -- Status of user-settable breakpoints
info watchpoints -- Synonym for ``info breakpoints''
maintenance info breakpoints -- Status of all breakpoints
maintenance info breakpoints -- Status of all breakpoints
maintenance info breakpoints -- Status of all breakpoints
maintenance info breakpoints -- Status of all breakpoints
xb -- Set breakpoint at procedure exit
xbr -- Set breakpoint at procedure exit
xbre -- Set breakpoint at procedure exit
xbrea -- Set breakpoint at procedure exit
xbreak -- Set breakpoint at procedure exit

(Okay, it's not perfect, it was a 20 minute thing I did)

> This is a manual bug and online help bug report.
> In the manual chapter wher breakpoints are discussed, no mention is made
> of the `info breakpoints' command, which is of abvious usefulness.  It
> should be certainly mentioned there.
> Also, the same should be done in the online help, where the `help
> breakpoints' command does not give any clue as to the way of listng
> breakpoints. 

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