
A girl got an engagement ring, and would seize every opportunity
calling attention to it. 
In a group with girl friends no one noticed it.  Finally when her
friends were sitting around talking, she got up suddenly and said,
"It's awfully hot in here. I think I'll take my ring off."

seize every opportunity for ~ ing : ȸ ~ ϴ.
call attention to : ~ Ǹ ȯŰ.
awfully : very

ȥ ư ȸ 鿡 ַ 
ѹ ģ ȴµ ƹ ʾҴ
ħ ư ٵ ѷɾ ̾߱⸦ ִ ǿ Ͼ鼭
", ߵڳ. ұ!" 


ܱε ޾Ƶ "Thank you.(մϴ.)"
ؿ. ̰ ׷ 鼭 ڶ Ա
־ ̳ ģ "Thank you." ϴ
Ȱ ƿ. , 츮 .
"Thank you." "õ." "You are welcome. /
Don't mention it. /Not at all." ǥ .

A: It was very kind of you to go to that trouble for me.
B: It was no trouble at all. It was my pleasure.
A: It's very kind of you to say so.
A: ؼ ׷ ֽô ϴ.
B: ֳ. Ƽ ε.
A: ׷ ֽô ϴ.
ᰨ ⺻ ǥ
Thank you. /Thanks.
Thanks a lot. /Thank you very much. /Thank you so much.
I'd appreciate it.
   ׷ ֽø ϰڽϴ.
I appreciate it very much.
On behalf of our employees I'd like to thank you.
   ȸ ǥؼ ſ 帮 ͽϴ.
߸ ִ ǥ
⼭ 1ȣ Ÿž մϴ
You have to shift to the No.1 Line.(X)
You'll have to transfer to the No.1 Line from here.(O)
shift 밳 ٲ۴ٴ ̹Ƿ ⼭ ʾƿ.
  Ÿ transfer ؿ. ׸ 뼱 Ÿ
  ȯ¿ transfer ϴµ, ̶ Դϴ.
  ߿ Ÿ stopover ؿ.
Now you have to switch to the No.1 Line.(⼭ 1ȣ Ÿ.)
You have to get over to the No.1 Line.(1ȣ ż Ÿ.)


Ϻ · Ǿ ֽϴ.

bug-gdb ȳϼ?

ȭ ̿ؼ 1 : 1 ܱ н ִ
Online Korea մϴ.
̸ ʰ ˼մϴ. ε ʱ׷ 뼭......

ȸ翡 ܱ(,Ͼ) ִ е鲲 (-),
ӿ Ȱ ʿ ȸȭ 徿 帮 ־.

"yes" ֽñ ٶϴ.

׸, ȭ ܱ ǰ ñϽ е , 1ȸ ؼ
ù ǽ 帮 ѹ  ø
û ּ.

ù û ̰ ŬϽ û ִ
ù û ۼϼż ֽø ˴ϴ.
, ȭ 02-588-0510 ε ûϽ ֱ.

ƹɷ н bug-gdb ȸȭ Ƿ
Ǿ մϴ.

bug-gdbԲ http://www.kr.gnu.org/prep/mailinglists.html ִ ּҸ ȴµ,
ʿ ٸ ˼մϴ.
帮 ʵ ϰڽϴ.
׷, ȳ 輼.

n[x%An !f ?+-w

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