Follow-up Comment #9, bug #49654 (project gettext):

> This change breaks the assumption that any msgstr entry from the po file is
put unchanged into the mo file.

You are right, this assumption does not hold any more for the header entry.

> This breaks at least the glibc intl/tst-gettext test which checks that.

The glibc/intl/tst-gettext test needs to be updated.
- Either use as input instead of de.po a modified PO file, possibly "grep -v
'POT-Creation-Date:' de.po"
- Or modify the po2test.awk script so that it eliminates the
POT-Creation-Date: header line.
- Or modify the positive_gettext_test / negative_gettext_test functions in
tst-gettext.c to allow for the difference in POT-Creation-Date line.


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