>       FORMULA *op1;
>       FORMULA *op2;
> ...
>          case O_ADD:
>             /* addition */
>             op1 = eval_formula(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
>             op2 = eval_formula(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
>             value = linear_comb(mpl,
>                +1.0, op1,
>                +1.0, op2);
>             break;
> gives same result on both arm64 and x86-64.
> I suggest you change all binary operands.

This is a normal behavior. Besides, in general case this wouldn't help
(for example, round-off errors may affect the model generation process).

If you need to avoid the difference in your case, just don't use random
numbers as well as other functions having side effects.

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