>>  [snap]

I don't know why looking at rolls up to such a depth would be useful. To
>> analyse market losing sequences, depth 2 seems enough (and then evaluate
>> the leaf nodes at 0, 1, or 2 ply, but build a list of only 21^2 rolls
>> sequences, not 21^5...).
> For now, a simple way to avoid the problem would be to limit the usable
> depth to 4. Is there a reason you needed to go to 5 ?

I noticed the "Fix memory leaks" in the CVS-repository
looking at the Diffs, since the ChangeLog wasn't that clear for me.
The depth 5 was merely by coincidence.

There's no need for depth 5 ... and it is not available anymore: 4 is the
max today. I don't know when or where it is changed, but is after May 12
and before May 29.


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