tir. 3. jan. 2023 kl. 22:44 skrev Philippe Michel <philippe.mich...@free.fr

> This is not a core library approach either, but I think that in chess
> open source software they tend to use a similar approach, with a few GUI
> applications and many engines using a common communication protocol.
> That may be an intresting project for those interested in GUI
> programming. A backgammon GUI front-end, with various back-ends to
> communicate with gnubg, fibs, dailygammon, another GUI over a chat
> application, etc...

Yes! The computer chess community did it right! However they ended up with
two different protocols, WinBoard and UCI, which are pretty different.

So, if we plan to make an Engine/GUI separation, we need a good protocol.
We have to define such. Even that is challenging.
What should the engine store and what should the GUI store? Should the
engine know the state of the board, or should that be transferred over the
protocol? Where should the game/match be stored? And what about a rollout?
Should the GUI or the engine organize the rollout? And should we be nice
with others and base a protocol on something? A REST API? Just not SOAP!
*sigh* These are questions that made me abandon the idea...


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